Monday, July 28, 2014

Welcome to Motley Matters!!

I started Motley Matters simply as a way to “do something just for me”. I love to write and yet I never take the time to sit down and do it. As I thought about what I wanted to write, I knew I needed to write something that would make people smile. I’m a true believer in acts of kindness and try to do at least one genuine act of kindness each and every day. Sometimes…they are bigger acts and sometimes they are just little ones. I figured blogging about some of my simple acts might motivate others to do the same…and wouldn’t the world be a better place if we all tried to do nice things for each other?

On a somewhat shallower side, I so love to shop! I can go to the mall for 6 hours and be happy as a kid sucking on a six pack of helium balloons. I’ve written several well received reviews for a large candle review board and decided that I enjoy being rather blunt about my shopping experiences. Nothing is worse than spending money and HATING what you purchase. It is my solemn pledge to honestly review my purchases as well as overall experiences and share those intimate ramblings with you. I do not get paid to review ANY COMPANY. If you have a product you think I should try out, let me know and I will see what I can do!

 And lastly, I’m a very busy mom. I work part time and spend the rest of my time running children around and attempting to keep my house from falling into a complete chaotic disorder. When I started thinking about what I would like my blog to encompass, I kept coming back to tips for busy moms….which then evolved into cooking for busy moms. I will premise this by saying, I’m not a chef. This is not a gourmet blog. This isn’t even a semi-gourmet blog. Ladies and gentlemen, I am a convenience cooker: quick, easy, fuss free and tasty. If a recipe has more than 10 ingredients, I will more than likely never make it. There you have it. Motley Matter recipes will be easy as pie…..pun intended! It is my hope that you will stop by, smile, laugh, learn a little something new and maybe even be inspired to bake some cookies! Enjoy!

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  1. Thanks for sharing sis! So glad you are doing this for yourself. Love you!

  2. This is so Deirdre! Everything looks great! I agree you are one for doing good for others... animals included :) xoxo
